Today's challenge is to show your battle station. Where is your command centre? Where is all your working getting done? We want to see your workplace. For many of you, it will have changed. Even if you are in the same place as usual, it's probably changed somehow. Perhaps work is doing switched shifts to reduce the number of people in the building. Maybe you have always had a home office but suddenly find yourself with a few new work colleagues this week! Show us what the difference is, how it's impacted things, how you are pushing through and doing business as best you can anyway.
If you think "I need to tidy this before I take a photo," that's fine. But take a before photo, even if it's just for you. If nothing else, you can see the progress you've made in tidying in the after photo!
These are unprecedented times and everything is a bit unusual right now. So many are working off a nightstand or a coffee table because a desk wasn't necessary. It's okay to show the reality of where you are, being relatable is a good thing! It's also okay to have a picture perfect desk, we all like to have something to aspire to, or see ideas that might work well for us a home.
Along with taking a photo, make sure to explain to us what the situation is. A photo is definitely worth a thousand words, but a few words of context never hurt either!
My two photos are my "ideal perfect world" set up and the reality of this morning. See if you can tell which one is which.
Ah yes, working from home. Every day, I dress in my finest work wear from the waist upwards, smile and pose on my perfectly clean table with my lovely shining mug full of tea. This was occasionally the reality before life in the time of Corvid-19. And I do smile a lot, that's true. But the dinner table is now my children's battle stations location between the meals, so I don't do a lot of work on the table.
This is the bare-faced reality. I have an extremely narrow desk because it's in a tiny corner currently, and it becomes the repository of every odd item that doesn't have an immediate home. If you look, you'll see that a gaming app is open, because I fight for time on the desktop computer between my kids' gaming wishes and homework needs. Now even more so! I may need to come up with a rota of who uses it when. If anyone already has one, let me know how you are organising it. I'm lucky I do have a laptop that I can do photo editing on as well, so I am grateful for that.
So share your desktop, whatever the case may be. I've given you two extremes, so probably most of you will be somewhere between the two. Paint a picture with your photo of your desktop and then tell us the story of it.
If you put your photo onto social media, tag it with #aplusbizphoto and tag me too! I'm @aplusphotoUK on Facebook and on Instagram.